

Al_Rum (Aleksei Rumiantsev) was born in USSR (Russia) in 1980 and now he is a digital nomad. He is a multidisciplinary artist whose main focus is on the theme of human transformation in the contemporary world, the interaction of archaic adaptive patterns of human behaviour and the information environment. This theme is reflected in several personal projects, numerous exhibitions and the Biennale of Contemporary Art around the world.


Al_Rum (Aleksei Rumiantsev) was born in USSR (Russia) in 1980 and now he is a digital nomad. He is a multidisciplinary artist whose main focus is on the theme of human transformation in the contemporary world, the interaction of archaic adaptive patterns of human behaviour and the information environment. This theme is reflected in several personal projects, numerous exhibitions and the Biennale of Contemporary Art around the world.

Until 2020, he experimented a lot with various media, combining assemblages, installations with new technologies. However, a severe eye injury and subsequent internal crisis brought him back to his unique art style, which he used to have at the beginning of his artistic career. The style is called affective realism that means the immersion in the flow state and rejection of logical thinking and pre-invented plots in favor of honest instinctive expression of artist's emotions through allegorical images.

The loss of vision allowed the artist to activate the internal reserves. The main focus in the works has shifted to the feelings a person experiences in the process of transformation. Returning to his artisitic style and working in the field of digital art led him to the world of Metaverse, allowed him to become an active participant of the international NFT community and expand his exhibition presence in virtual galleries.

Fun facts

A few years ago, I made the artwork "My own cage". I applied the style that I used to have at the beginning of my art career. It was a kind of nostalgia. It was a man's portrait with a cage over his eyes, and the cage on his left eye was beginning to collapse. The painting was dedicated to our internal limitations which are the strongest cage which we imprison ourselves in! I took a photo of myself and the artwork instead of my head and posted it on IG.

A few weeks later, I injured my left eye very badly and went to the hospital. At the same time, a woman saw the artwork on my IG page. She was very inspired by my artwork, because she was a psychologist and worked with such limitations of people and their thinking. She bought my artwork and put it in her office as the best illustration of what she deals with every day.

She also noticed the paralel between my damaged eye and the eye being released from the cage in the artwork. She was sure this was not accidental. I started to come out of my own cage and this was my path of epiphany! So, now I'm researching this theme in my art, in my life and I'm actually an art project myself.


2024 Just like you. ArtCrush Gallery, Belgium
2023 NFT NYC Week 2023, Unfold Gallery, New York, USA
2023 NFT Bali Art Week 2023, Superlative Gallery, Bali, Indonesia
2023 The Grid. Mondoir Gallery, Dubai, UAE
2022 Peace in the world.Independent Creative Association WIP, Moscow, Russia
2017 Solo show. Big Data. CCI "Fabrika", Moscow, Russia (7th Moscow Biennale)
2017 Over there, where no one dreams. ММОМА, Moscow, Russia
2017 Framescription. Printing workshop Gallery, Moscow, Russia
2017 Something went wrong. State Gallery on Solyanka, Moscow, Russia
2016 Solo show. Reconstruction 4.0. CCI "Fabrika", Moscow, Russia (1st WAS Biennale)
2016 Threats. Printing workshop Gallery, Moscow, Russia
2016 ANTImuseum. Electromuseum in Rostokino, Moscow, Russia
2016 The temptation of St. Antonia. Printing workshop Gallery, Moscow, Russia
2015 This is my place. Total Art Club Gallery, Moscow, Russia
2015 Horizons of events. Vadim Sidur Museum, Moscow, Russia
2013 The exhibition of finalists ArtPreview 2013. Black Dog Gallery, Moscow, Russia
2010 Solo show. Two persons. Central City Exhibition Center, Murom, Russia
2008 Anonyme Zeichner №9, Kunstraum Kreuzberg Gallery, Berlin, Germany


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