

"We are all constantly phasing in and out of this plane of existence."

EdgeStretching is an Italian Digital Artist based in Brussels. She works mainly with photography using a multilayered technique, expanding the images with motion, a feeling of passing time and a sense of our own impermanence.


EdgeStretching is an Italian Digital Artist based in Brussels.

After studying computer graphics and animation at UCLA in California, she worked for many years in the audio-visual sector. Recently, she has also been exploring photography, video, and animation in personal artistic projects. Between 2016 and 2021, her video/animation shorts have been shown in several international festivals.

She works mainly with photography using a multilayered technique, expanding the images with motion, a feeling of passing time and a sense of our own impermanence.

Fun facts

With 25% of the primary proceeds from her NFTs she support the #WomanLifeFreedom movement with donations to the Abdorrahman Boroumand Center, a non-profit and non-governmental organization for the promotion of human rights and democracy in Iran.


Times Square with LeGoodSociety and Artcrush Gallery. New York City, New York.
IhamNFT Gallery curated by Artcrush Gallery. Paris, France.
ImnotArt Gallery. Chicago, Illinois.
Casa Bibescu. Craiova, Romania.
Accelerate Art 2024 “L’Éclat” group, IhamNFT Gallery. Paris, France.
DreamDowntown, Crypt Gallery. New York City, New York.
Breathe!2023. Lss Vegas, Nevada.
RomaNFTweek 2023, We Gil. Rome, Italy.
NFTParis 2024, Palais Ephimère. Paris, France.


Catching My Breath

Catching My Breath

Flaneuse II

Flaneuse II







Water Dragon

Water Dragon

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