Nicolas Party

Nicolas Party

My paintings are like characters in a story.

Nicolas Party (born 1980 in Lausanne, Switzerland) lives and works in New York. Party explores painting across various mediums, including saturated paintings, sculptures, pastels, prints, and installations. Stripping everyday subjects of detail, he delves into the essence of painting, emphasizing color, materials, and composition over faithful depiction, creating accessible yet artfully engaging works that prompt a dialogue between observation and imagination.


Swiss-born artist Nicolas Party works across a wide range of different media. Primarily known for his colour-saturated paintings and murals, he also makes painted sculptures, pastels, installations, prints and drawings, and works as a curator. Party often paints landscapes, portraits and still lives of everyday objects, which he strips of all extraneous detail. Rather than creating faithful depictions from nature, he uses these seemingly innocuous subjects as springboards for an exploration into the art of painting itself. His concerns lie, therefore, less in the accurate depiction of nature, and more in its translation and transformation through colour, materials and composition. Painterly precision, a vibrant colour palette and a keen eye for composition coalesce into works that are accessible and seductive but, at the same time, continue a long standing art-historical dialogue between observation and the imagination. Party is also interested in the power of paint to alter our perception of the built environment and, within a gallery context, how we experience art. To this end, he regularly paints murals, either as stand-alone works or as carefully orchestrated settings for his paintings.


Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal (2022)
Le Consortium, Dijon (2021)
MASI Lugano (2021)
FLAG Art Foundation, New York (2019)
M WOODS, Beijing (2018-2019)
Magritte Museum, Brussels (2018)


Clouds, 2023. Soft pastel on linen. Courtesy: the Artist and Xavier Hufkens, Brussels

Clouds, 2023. Soft pastel on linen. Courtesy: the Artist and Xavier Hufkens, Brussels

Landscape, 2021. Soft pastel on linen. Courtesy: the Artist and Xavier Hufkens, Brussels

Landscape, 2021. Soft pastel on linen. Courtesy: the Artist and Xavier Hufkens, Brussels


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