
Naître, être. N’être qu’être, humain ? L’être demain, demain..

NJAHEUT is a Belgian-Cameroonian photographer, art director and film director.



NJAHEUT is a Belgian-Cameroonian photographer, art director and film director.

Passionate about drawing, he joined the art school ESA-St Luc in Brussels before continuing his studies at the film school SAE in Brussels. Moving from drawings to the production of music videos and films, he finally found his happiness with photography, which allows him to fully express his creativity. The first tool in photography being light, NJAHEUT wonders about its mirror that is shadow and finds a parallel with his favorite subject: identity.

"When we confront human beings with their identity, we stop at the appearance and not at what we could see, like their personality."

With the human at the center of his photographs, NJAHEUT invites us to focus on bodies and objects rather than the interpretation we make of them. He leads us to reflect on the immateriality of the shadow, which allows us to escape from any
identity, and suggests to question our stereotypes on the questions of gender, sexual orientation or ethnic origin. Through his unique point of view, he allows the viewer to see the rich complexity of our identities; a reflection that tells the human story in a poetic and metaphorical way, through a unifying message.

Fun facts

One day I was at my workshop with some friends and one of them went out to buy some drinks in the store just opposite and came back with the drinks and with the American-Danish actor Giancarlo Esposito, we were all shocked and had a nice time with him.


An Assembly of Years in the Arts - Ballon Rouge Galerie
PEP - Photographic Exploration Project - 254 Forest


au commencement était la parole

au commencement était la parole









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