Richard Masa

Richard Masa

“Being is Becoming”

A dynamic gesture is the start of a painting, a sculpture or a performance. All this is connected in an organic visual language. The forms are not concrete but polysemantic and can provide subconscious revelations. Richard Masa’s process-sculptures are exploring the “we are all one” spiritual concept through the ideas of the Process philosophy. "Being is becoming" as Process philosophy says; it is a way to escape “conceptual thinking” and practice the analogical mindset. The goal is that the body as a concept dissolves in the crowd of repetitive objects.


Richard Masa came into this world in 1973, born in Ex-Yugoslavia, as a Hungarian. The tumultuous Balkan War led him to seek refuge in Germany in 1991. Eventually, in 1993, he found his way to Hungary, where he enrolled in the prestigious Hungarian Art Academy. Graduating in 2000 with a degree in painting and art teaching, he embarked on a fascinating journey into the game industry. As he delved deeper into the realms of creativity, he evolved into an animation director.

The artistic path then led him to Paris in 2017, where he contributed to the iconic Alien franchise. Fast forward to 2024, and he found himself back in Budapest, fully immersed in the world of multimedia art.

Fun facts

His father took him to the cinema when he was 7 and they watched Alien in 1979. The shock that he had then was a life defining experience. He doesn't remember fear, only a tremendous curiosity about what the creature exactly looks like!? He thought he understood where the legs and arms were, but then it turned out that it was the head of the creature!? This was his first abstract experience.

In 1991, from Yugoslavia, Masa went to Germany because of the Balkan war, where he found Giger's art books which gave him the answer to all his questions about the creature. This opened a new world of dark art where he found himself at home. Later at the academy he learned abstract art from Master Sandor Molnar, a brilliant mind who invented and created a new approach to spiritual growth for artists, called painter yoga. It's a unique implementation of ancient occult teachings, Buddhism and modern self awareness techniques into the modern life of an artist.


  • 2023 Art Crush World Tour, Ihamn Gallery exhibition. Paris, France

  • 2023 MET AMS, Superchief Gallery. Amsterdam, Netherlands

  • 2023 Satyrus Gallery Punctum exhibition. Rome, Itlay

  • 2021 Exhibition Collective, Layers. Paris, France

  • 2021 Popup Exhibition, Créunion. Paris, France

  • 2019 Studio Exhibition. Paris, France

  • 2016 Autopsiche Studio. Érd, Hungary

  • 2013 Solo show, Latarka Gallery. Budapest, Hungary

  • 2011 Hybridart, Iron. Budapest, Hungary

  • 2010 Spring Exhibition, Bartok 23 gallery. Budapest, Hungary

  • 2009 8th National Groteszk Triennal. Debrecen, Hungary

  • 2008 Deconstructing Postmodern, Sziget Festival. Budapest, Hungary

  • 2006 Fire Initiation, Sziget Festival. Budapest, Hungary

  • 2004 The Dragon Fountain, Public sculptures. Nyirbator, Hungary

  • 2001 Visual Vitamins, DNS Gallery. Budapest, Hungary

  • 2000 Ring, The Hungarian University of Fine Arts. Budapest, Hungary

  • 1998 Morph, Uránia Cinema Theater. Budapest, Hungary



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